$70.00Fresh from the Farm, our weekly bouquet special this week features gorgeous blooms from 'Forget Me Not Farms'. The bouquets feature a new weekly mix of flowers, grown right on her farm! Flower selection may include products a seasonal mix of some of our favorite local flowers!
This is the perfect treat your self bouquet or something sweet to send to someone special! You're not only supporting our family owned business, but a local Michigan flower farm as well!
Because of the delicate petite blooms associate with this design, this is a pickup bouquet only at our flower shop in Novi, MI
This is the perfect treat your self bouquet or something sweet to send to someone special! You're not only supporting our family owned business, but a local Michigan flower farm as well!
Because of the delicate petite blooms associate with this design, this is a pickup bouquet only at our flower shop in Novi, MI
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